Monday 6 May 2019

Where is it written about the Red and White dragons?

Greetings :) Yesterday there was a very chilled atmosphere in Glastonbury as people followed the red and white dragon procession up the high street and onto the fair field where a ritual marking the beginning of Summer was acted out. Gwyn ap Nudd handed over to Gwythyr ap Greidawl. All well and good but I fear that most people there have no idea where the red and white dragons spring from. Certainly not Glastonbury. They come from the legends of Merlin ( or Myrddyn as this was his real name) and specifically the building of Vortigern's tower. Myrddyn commented on why Vortigern's tower could not be built due to there being dragons underneath. He also prophesised about the portents of these two dragons. Here 's a pic of Dinas Emrys in Snowdonia. It s a great walk and where the aforementioned encounter took place ;) The view from on top Blessings B.C.
Hello all....if anyone is reading this :) Just over two weeks since I got back from a spiritual trip to Scotland via the lake district and Northumberland on the way back. Had epic weather and it has been too long since I visited. Great to take in the highland scenery and air. My travels took me via Castlerigg stone circle in the lake district and onto Roslyn chapel (extraoridnary). Then up to perthshire and the trossachs where I once again visited Kirk's faerie hill. Have to say the atmosphere was if they ve left the place which was a bit disconcerting. Great drives around then I stopped near the Eildon Hills outside Melrose where Thomas the Rhymer met the Fareie Queen. All very inspiring and refreshing. Even walked a bit of Hadrians wall. The weather made it extra special :) Castlerigg stone circle Roslyn chapel Kirk's pine in Aberfoyle. Faerie hill in the Trossachs, Scotland. Is this where Thoas the Rhymer met the Faerie Queen who gave him 'The tongue that cannot lie' ? maybe ;)

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Message for.....

Well...mmmm...maybe it is here..that elusive AOA that everybody talks about. Hopefully you know what I mean. Astrologers argue about the date of it and when it happens etc...but I will tell you one thing as an aquarian...there was something going on last night with the full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius. I just wanted to party. On my own I hasten to add..and the sky...well...very pink. Very good vibe around in Glastonbury today too. So, the question is for myself is...did the AOA start last night? I have another idea and just going with my intuition which on most occasions can be ropey but on important ones tends to be sound. I think the switch got turned on and its time for us spiritual lot to go spread it in the world. Remember the word angel translates to messenger. I m no angel but I do believe we can all deliver messages ;) With peace, love and courage B.C.

Sunday 28 August 2016

A cackling call...

There s a cackling call on the vale today....... It summons me to come and play....... The rich life's dance that wanders free....... Is calling out to you and me....... That little something reaching out....... A whisper, not a scream or shout....... Listen well and you might find....... The pathway back to humankind....... Blessings all....... B.C.

Friday 16 May 2014

The wind that shakes the Barley

Here I am again. The wind that shakes the Barley has shook me hard. A throttling I would call it. Been unable to summon up any words to describe. But time is the only healer and I am back in the realm of the tasters. And the taste gets sweeter by the day. The cracks that have sought to tear me asunder are healing. Spirit finds the cracks, slaps you round the face and bids one to awake. I have been asleep....though constantly without energy....but seeds of life are appearing once more...seeking the sun which has been obscured for what seems an eternity. A pale light illuminates the darkness and gets brighter by the hour.......a balefire blade that renews hope in a world of hoplessness. The wind that shakes the Barley is a wind of change..which I am embracing fully as it caresses my soul with promise.....Hail to the Barley and Hail to the wind. Welcome that wind into your whispers. B.C.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Death and beginning..........

Hmmmm....'Halloween'....a night I would normally look forward to..but alas not has no taste...the rain I feel not on my cheek...and just getting out of bed is a laborious chore....sunshine I notice not..and even the birds realise they have to sing loudly for me to heed their call.....the beginning seems far off....limbo is my companion ...and the winter draws in......I am at one with the seasons it seems..but spring is just a hope on my horizon.........part of me has died and may well remain that way.....May you never walk this track.......I know it is part of the cycle of death and rebirth....but it is a painfull one.....Blessings to you all..BC

Friday 25 January 2013

Wondering? Don't just nod your head

The title is befitting to the way I feel.......The Emperor's New Clothes ...They spring to mind in most of what's going on in my life right now.....I am disappointed by the lack of coherent thought.....i.e. if you think it's a crock of shit ..please say so.....don't just nod your head.  Whatever happened to .....I have an opinion and it may differ from  yours.  I'm fed up with sheep....they lack creativity and spirituality in human form...they are just there to serve..........please tell me you are not a sheep :)