Wednesday 9 August 2017

Message for.....

Well...mmmm...maybe it is here..that elusive AOA that everybody talks about. Hopefully you know what I mean. Astrologers argue about the date of it and when it happens etc...but I will tell you one thing as an aquarian...there was something going on last night with the full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius. I just wanted to party. On my own I hasten to add..and the sky...well...very pink. Very good vibe around in Glastonbury today too. So, the question is for myself is...did the AOA start last night? I have another idea and just going with my intuition which on most occasions can be ropey but on important ones tends to be sound. I think the switch got turned on and its time for us spiritual lot to go spread it in the world. Remember the word angel translates to messenger. I m no angel but I do believe we can all deliver messages ;) With peace, love and courage B.C.