Tuesday 23 August 2011

The finger points...

I sat today and looked
Amazed at what I saw
I didn't see a fin
And I didn't see a paw
I glimpsed no stem nor leaf
But I may have spied a wing
And I wondered at the sight
Of the land where people sing
And I am left to ponder on a thought that's sure to linger
I must return again to where Spirit points the finger

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Is it Judgement Day for Ostriches?

This is my thought today following on from what I said in my previous blog.
There are riots happening around Briton. London was burning last night. People lost their homes, businesses and livliehoods. This can never be condoned! But simple condemnation is an easy comment to make also. We all have a part in society so here's the question. If I was telling my work colleagues weeks ago that this would happen why wasn't anyone else? There is such a BIG difference between what we want to happen and what is likely to happen. What is going on? WAKE UP PEOPLE! If you cannot feel even a little that there is true discontent within our western society it is very worrying.
   Let's take the British economy. Does an average house price that is 6 times the average salary really work?Obviously not.  Do massive cuts on income and living standards sit well with people who did not do anything wrong? (i.e. They are not investment bankers!). Are politicians really, REALLY IN TOUCH?  Now the people who riot,I feel care not of such things, but there is now a firework labelled 'Discontent' and anything can light it.
    London hosts the Olympics next year. It was quite a damning picture on T.V. today looking at the London Eye framed by black smoke from the burning remnants of riots in Ealing last night.
I repeat that I do not condone what has happened over the last 3 days but similar things are happening across the world.
One has a choice. Usually NIMBY works quite well for some but people's back yards may seem a lot smaller over the coming weeks unless someone gets a grip. I was led to an article by Camila Batmanghelijdh in the Independent and it is well worth a read.
As for this particular blog post I am not enjoying writing it. There is no spiritual slant that I can see. No fluffy bunny stuff. No 'Peace is all' rubbish.  
But I will say this.
'Leave my family alone. Leave my property alone. Leave me alone.'
I am trying to see the bigger picture but I am not responsible.
I just hope everyone can say the same.
May those that watch bring peace to Britons' shores this evening and beyond.
Yours sincerely,