Sunday 10 July 2011

Where is the world now?

This is a question I have been asking myself recently. The moderates revolt in my homecountry, famine, political unrest, phone hacking and immoral invasion of privacy, financial hard times on a global scale and a general disollusion with the way of things. I sometimes contemplate the thoughts of an advanced alien race landing on earth and wondering about the imbalance of it all.
   What can be done? Well, I have no answer but can't help but think it lies with the individual. Let's all create what we can to benefit not just ourselves but others. If we grow, the world grows as a result. It's not a solution but it is a start. That ladder that we pull up, let's extend it back down. How rich we are is no way to guage our contribution to humanity. As hard as it is,to live with love can be the only way. But sometimes it must be tough love. We must all take responsibiity. The spiritual path often shows itself when cracks appear. Unfortunately, there are many who walk this earth with  no cracks having appeared just yet. There lies the problem. Let's not wait for the crack to be so large as it breaks everything asunder. The picture is big, not small and one must take time to look at it, contemplate it and see what one can add to it.
The future is in our hands, but maybe for not much longer, if we don't mold it for the greater good.
Let's avoid the 'bitter pill'.